Movember is the month-long effort to raise funds and awareness for men's health issues by growing fabulous facial hair throughout November. Given that NHL players are familiar with going unshaven for a specific time period, they're naturals for Movember participation ? witness 10 of the best 'staches from last season.
Anaheim Ducks goaltender Jonas Hiller may have just raised the bar not only for Movember in the NHL, but for goalie masks as well.
Instead of his black-matted mask, he'll be wearing a white-matted mask ? adorned with black-and-white images of his teammates rocking sublime and ridiculous fake mustaches, created by the artist.
It features Teemu Selanne, Corey Perry, Ryan Getzlaf, Bobby Ryan, George Parros (who already rocks a famous 'stache), Dan Ellis and many other teammates. Even the fair-haired players are sporting the Daniel Plainview look.

That's Hiller on the back of the mask, with his own airbrushed mustache and incredibly goofy expression, looking like a hockey card from the 1920s.
Justin Goldman of The Goalie Guild presented these images first, and got the lowdown from artist Alec Voggel of Airxess
"Airxess came up with the idea, as we needed a game-used Hiller mask that would later be for sale because of the big demand. Hiller came up with the Movember idea himself, so as always, he gave us the input, and I had to create the design.�Besides the concept, the whole testing to place all the portraits on the mask (it's not only done by airbrush) and the painting itself I have done, while Dan "The Man" gave the mask a nice flat finish and left some parts shiny." [...]
"I used the style of moustache seen on the Movember website, but in a completely different technique as other airbrushed masks out there. It must be visible that the moustaches are painted with an edding that people can see is added afterwards, just like the guys growing their own moustaches. Each player has a different look, as usual."
As for Hiller, he and some Ducks teammates spoke to Ducks Blog about the mask on Wednesday:
"I just wanted to do something different," Hiller said. " I talked to my painter and he said, 'Yeah, what do you think? We should just do a couple of masks this year. I sent him the whole theme about Movember and guys growing a mustache.
"He said, Oh yeah, let's do something like that. And that's what he came up with. I think it's definitely funny."
Toni Lydman gave his image a big thumbs-up. "I wish I could grow it like that," he said. "It would be the look. Very nice."
As far as his defense partner, Lubomir Visnovsky, Lydman said, "He looks like a Frenchman. He looks like he should be sitting by the water reading poetry wearing one of those hats and have that long thing that holds a cigarette."
Much more from The Goalie Guild here (and thanks to them for the images). What an amazing piece of work. If Burt Reynolds ever wore a hockey mask, it would be this hockey mask.
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